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At the heart of the sustainability movement is the Alliance for Sustainable Enterprises, a dynamic coalition of forward-thinking companies and organizations that truly understand the business sector's pivotal role in addressing today's most pressing societal issues. Our Mission is to fast-forward Swiss business sustainability.

We firmly believe in and advocate for policies and standards that foster and incentivize virtuous business practices, creating a ripple effect of benefits for society. Encompassing over 500 active businesses and esteemed organizations in Switzerland, our Alliance is a testament to the power of collective action.

The Alliance members are Der Gewerbeverein, ECG Switzerland, öbu, Swiss Leaders, and coordinated by B Lab Switzerland Foundation.​ The alliance is proud of its commitment to a participatory approach, ensuring that decisions are made through a consensus that reflects all member organisations' diverse perspectives and expertise.

Jonathan Normand, Co-Founder of B Lab Europe and CEO of B Lab Switzerland Foundation, serves as the spokesperson for the Alliance.

About our Alliance

What business leaders are thinking:

Nicole Bardet

Member of the Executive Board of Alternative Bank Switzerland

"For us, it would be very important to have a model for change and economic transformation. With the help of a legislative framework, we can be much stronger and can go much further."

Jean-Marc Fillistorf

Member of the Executive Board of Alternative Bank Switzerland

"A clear legal framework would make it easier to identify companies committed to sustainability. And thus stimulate others to join the movement."

Kathrin Amacker

Member of the Executive Board of Alternative Bank Switzerland

"I fully support this legal framework. Regulation and accountability are now the standard we must uphold for responsible businesses within value chains."


© B Lab Switzerland 2024


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